Details:The FingerPress is a patent pending orthosis designed by a patient who used it to treat a bent finger, also known as PIP Flexion Contracture. Indications:Used to straighten stiffly bent finger joints caused by injury, immobilization, overuse, rock climbing, trigger finger, arthritis.Instructions: We recommend working with a hand therapist who can guide you on how often you'll need to wear the FingerPress in order to correct your current condition. The device can be fitted with custom-made pads using a two-part elastomer putty.1. Hold the device with the name FingerPress facing you on top2. Pull the slide all the way back until it can swing freely3. Insert the affected finger with end of the finger pressing the lower pad down against the curved end of the slide4. The bent PIP joint should rest against the upper pad5. Press the slide forward to apply pressure and set the ratchet at maximum extension6. Monitor fingertip and reset pressure if circulation or sensation is lost7. The ratchet can be freed by tapping the slideSizing Guide: Measure the width of the affected PIP joint in millimeters.* Up to 16mm: X-Small* Up to 18mm: Small* Up to 20mm: Medium* Up to 22mm: LargeCustomer Service: Satisfaction guaranteed. Contact OrthoPress for size corrections.
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