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Outdoor Products, 20L Valuables Watertight Dry Bag , Clear, Water Sport Bag
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Outdoor Products, 20L Valuables Watertight Dry Bag , Clear, Water Sport Bag

Product ID: 457885209
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Make sure your important items are protected during outdoor activities with a Outdoor Products 20 liter Valuables Dry Bag. The Watertight Dry Bag is made from a transparent vinyl with mesh included to give it additional durability against the elements. The dry sack is ideal for water sports such as kayaking, canoeing, kayaking, and boating as it has a watertight, roll top seal. It can easily store any soft compressible gear that you may not need to have during your activity. The watertight design withstands quick submersion and floats if dropped in the water. The water sport bag also features a quick-release buckle for convenient access and giving you another way to carry it when needed. The clear material can give you with a quick view on the items you have stored in the dry bag.  This dry bag comes with a lifetime guarantee from Outdoor Products and it suitable for a senior, adult, teen and kids. Outdoor Products 20 Liter Valuables Dry Bag: Watertight Dry Bag Great for storing and protecting soft compressible gear Excellent water sport bag Excellent product to take on your trip for rafting, kayaking, canoeing and boating Welded seams Features a quick release buckle for convenient access during your adventure. Rounded base Watertight, roll top seal The dry bag features a 100 percent watertight roll-top seal designed to keep water out of your gear. Made of transparent vinyl with a mesh filament for added durability Not intended for full submersion.  Its design withstands quick submersion and floats if dropped in the water. Color: Clear 20 Liter Cargo Capacity or 5.28 gallon capacity 10.8 IN x 1.78 FT) This bag is great while traveling, or going on any outdoor adventure. This is great to have in case of emergencies such as rain storms and you need to keep essential gear dry.  Lifetime Guarantee: Whether you bought it in 1973 or yesterday, our Plain + Simple Lifetime Guarantee still applies for all sewn and wearable products. 

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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